WHAT TO DO? RUSSIA!             
 People Magazine - Forum RU   EN

We constantly hear on the radio, TV discordant "high-ranking officials, ministers, the so-called "Members of the Public Chamber," "What?" order and those in the Country. Anyone can freely express here; WHAT TO DO
"The God not in force but in the truth " (Alexander Nevsky)

"We need to constantly repeat the truth, for they lie around us, too, preached and not only singly but also by many!"  (Goethe) 
"In order for something to begin to have an objective assessment of what is done"


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What to do and what the problem?
And in Russia now all is vague...
And on heart melancholy and heat.
Speak us about democracy,
And show robbery...

Classic wrote "In Russia, two misfortunes - fools and roads"!
Having read in the guestbook and forum messages and statements for existence of this page, I decided to express their opinion:
I think that the "fools and roads" secondary disaster! The trouble, which gave rise to us from your indifference to what is happening. Here, for example, we show on TV clearly "fool" is building very well, "bad roads". What we say to himself scratching his head, And, set-select another, he may still bad and steal, and to build bad roads will be even worse - And that it had stolen - will soon cease to have, and go to sleep ... yawn ...

Here is what the poet wrote exactly 30 years ago;
A clever alone walking circles
He appreciates the solitude above all else.
And its so easy to take with their bare hands,
soon they povylovyat every one.
When will they all povylovyat, there will be an era
which do not invent and do not describe.

With clever - troublesome, with a fool - badly.
Looking for something average, but where's it take?
Fool to be profitable, but very reluctant.
Clever really want, but end beating ... "
(On "fools and roads", by the way pages are designed, but still lacks neither the time nor the money that would have to write them)

 But I think
1. Admittedly, the new laws were neither honest nor generous, nor the "humanistic" previous ones: They not only give and give "high officials" and below them the possibility to transform Russia into a fiefdom, but also gave rise to the utter irresponsibility, corruption, bribery , crime, drug abuse, drunkenness and lawlessness throughout the country.
2. We must decide: Either we all are citizens of countries - Russia! Everyone here share successes and hardships! And our purpose to live and work together! Together we create a good country, where all citizens live and work nice! And here every citizen, rich or poor, man or woman, old or a child, sick or disabled - ALL really need, and the road to his country and are protected by the state! But otherwise the country will continue to deteriorate and fall apart. And no advertising, and projects do not conceal the truth.
3. A country prospers, it is necessary to fully take care of its citizens. All people want to be treated in a humane and a just out of desire. No ostentatious generosity is no substitute for candor. People always feel honesty and despise the hypocrisy even more than greed.
4. All we see that the deputies, officials, ministers, exhausted not work they would have to perform, and office intrigue, the creation of powerful psychological and bureaucratic barriers to citizens, creating a "Image", the fight for high status, high salaries, care of "rear", corruption and empty demagoguery.
5. Any nation - a people terrible weakens and breaks down more than that, is that when generations of people worked hard and fought even half-starved and half-naked for the future happiness of their children, but "someone" under the "guise" dragged "the entire FOLK pie home or border. (This is more corrupt and themselves "benefactors" exporting money overseas and offshore. Who would believe that tomorrow "pie" is not  
will steal them)



  READ the guest and Forum simple statements of citizens of Russia




            SHORT LINE


* "Beauty of nature and the squalor of the economy" President Medvedev

* In the next 10 years the population of Russia in the light of all migrants be reduced to 100mln.chel.Mayak Radio May 2008

*  1991  life of citizens of Russia decreased by more than 15-20years! I was 55-56 years.

* And weary of verbiage,
I scream at the walls of the Kremlin;
What is wrong with us tomorrow,
What will happen tomorrow ...

A. Dementev (NTV 18.05.08) "An Evening with Solovyov"

* 30% and by some estimates and more than 40% of citizens of Russia live in poverty with incomes less than minimum wage.

* In Russia, unknown number of homeless so-called "homeless" in some cities according to various estimates, it reaches from 2% to 5% of the population.

* According to different estimates in Russia from 1 to 2 million homeless children!

* This was a national disaster in Russia soldering people, young people ....

* "In hospitals bestial attitude to the people" so oharekterizoval health RF gubernator Krasnodar kraya19.03.08 program "Vesti"

* Prices for bread and basic necessities are growing by leaps and bounds - is the result of higher prices for gas monopolies, energy, electricity

* I am 19 years ago, left the USSR and only this summer, visited relatives in Volgograd. Rode with excitement and with some trepidation, and went away without looking back. "Leon1945"

 * I am concerned about the environment and inept management of the country. 
-Yuri Loza, Mayak Radio 07.06.09


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